The 14th Ballet Creative Workshop will come to "Ride the Wind" in May

Sun Apr 28 08:46:32 CST 2024

the 14th Ballet Creative Workshop of the Central Ballet will arrive as scheduled and meet with Beijing Tianqiao Theater. This year, with the theme of "Riding the Wind", the audience is invited to experience the latest works of young artists full of creativity and feelings.


As the "Beijing Culture and Art Fund 2023 Annual Funding Project", the 14th Workshop is directed by Li Yang, the director of Zhongba Youth, with the theme of "Riding the Wind", which symbolizes 14 years of continuous accumulation and experience. This Workshop will create a rich cultural and emotional field on the stage with contemporary dance imagery and rich and delicate ballet vocabulary.


"Song of Destiny", written by Zhang Qi, a young Chinese actor from China, is inspired by "Bran's Poetry" and depicts people's longing for joy, praise for love, and enlightenment for life. Xu Yan and Wang Jiyu will work together for the third time to create Bach's "Gothenburg Variations", which will visualize music while giving dance a new imaginative space and visual image. Young choreographer Peng Jie brought a new work "Journey" to show that everyone stops and goes all the way, growing up, maturing and growing old in circles. "Heart Dependence" by young actor Lu Chenqi tells the story of a dying father and his autistic son accompanying each other, conveying indescribable comfort and strength. Young actors Su Yang and Wu Siming created "Don't Forget Me" from the perspective of Alzheimer's patients to tell that the traces of love cannot be erased and cannot be forgotten. Young actor Hu Helun created "Mechanical Heartbeat" from the perspective of avant-garde AI. Chief director Li Yang will also bring a new "Song of the Wilderness", which tells the cultural integration in the national family, expresses people's yearning for true love and search for the meaning of life.


This year's Workshop will also add a special section. Wu Zhenhong, the daughter of the first-generation ballet artist Wu Zujie of the Central Ballet Company and the artistic director of the Canadian GOH Ballet, will direct the Chinese premiere of "Ballade" for the new generation of actors in Zhongba. Zheng Yuanchang and Zhang Muzi, students of the 2021 class of Zhongba Dance School, created two interesting small works "Day and Night Walker" and "If I Were You" with their unique creativity and perspective, focusing on the delivery staff who stick to their posts and the cat waiting for the owner to come home.


It is reported that the "Ballet Creative Workshop" has become synonymous with the troupe's continuous innovation in the creation of young artistic talents and the creation of public welfare brand projects under the active promotion of Feng Ying, the head of Zhongba, and spared no effort to promote it. After more than ten years of exploration, accumulation and precipitation, the Workshop has 77 original works with rich themes and diverse forms by 38 directors on the stage.